Vampire Hunter D Wiki

Home and place Valcua Two was created by the Sacred Ancestor.

"Only in a time of absolute peril will I allow you to make use of a certain weapon. It's concealed in the far reaches of an extra-dimensional dungeon, and only when you truly desire it will you receive the key that unlocks it."
Sacred AncestorTyrant's Stars 3-4|[src]]]

The Key to his extra-dimensional dungeon happens to appear in Valcua's lap. It seems to have been feeding Valcua Two for thousands of years. Titanic devices that loomed far over head, all working silently. Weighting thousands if not tens of thousands of tons the machines were soundless even to D's senses. A crack in the ground races through and in the center of the triangle a huge release of energy flowing like a torrent. A dimensional embankment in the eastern wasteland of Valcua's kingdom collapses with Seurat seeing the machine which had never been there before and a prison escapes from a gravity field dungeon.

He most likely returned here after the events of Tyrant's Stars. It's also true he may have the ability come and leave as he pleases now, and may be traveling the Frontier.
